What is Capoeira?


A video of Professor Pião and Contramestre Borracha playing Capoeira. Video by Tiba Vieira

Capoeira is a blend of dance and martial arts developed by enslaved West Africans in Brazil during the 16th century. These enslaved peoples wanted to teach each other self-defense techniques to protect themselves from their captors. In order to keep their training secret, they used music and moves like the “ginga” to trick their oppressors into believing they were learning to dance. As a result, Capoeira is a unique art form that combines kicks, take-downs, acrobatics, and dance. The art has its own traditional songs, instruments, and culture.

The name “Capoeira” comes from the bushes where escaped slaves would hide, waiting in ambush to attack their oppressors.

When you decide to become a “Capoeirista,” you become more than just an athlete - you are immersed in the history, music, and language of an art form, and part of a global community of people training around the world.